Animated Commissions

TAT (Turn Around Time)
- Around 3~6 weeks (depends on complexity and amount of work);
- Simpler projects can take less time to be done;
- You can make me put your project as my priority to get it done quicker by paying a RUSH FEE. (Let me know)
Paypal, Ko-fi
- 100% upfront;
- 50/50: 50% upfront and 50% after your approval of the final piece;
- Smaller amounts weekly/every two weeks.
- You MUST pay some amount upfront. I'm not going to start work on your commission unless I receive a first amount (depending on what we settled as the payment plan for your commission);
- Revisions are unlimited during the rough/storyboard moment. After that, you get 2x free revisions for each step;
- Constant Updates: I'll update you weekly/ every time I finish something new through a Google Drive Folder;
- If you want me to change something on previous steps which are already done, I'll charge extra.
- Use the animation however you want, just give me the credits;
- You can only cancel your commission while I'm working on the rough. After that, I'll keep 25% of the full price because of the time and energy I have used.
- References of your character(s);
- Description (as detailed as you wish) of what you want. Want anything very specific? Let me know it all!
- Storyboards and animatics if you have them already (if you don't, I work very well with written descriptions and will work on it for you);
- Anything else you think would be important (lore, scripts, sketches, songs, voices... etc);
- Videos that could be used as reference or inspiration are very welcome!
It depends from client to client, I'll need to know what you want first, and then I can give you a price.
- Starting price is 200$ for simple animations
- If you can provide me with backgrounds, price will lower.
INTERESTED? Send me a message on Instagram/Twitter and I'll get in touch as soon as I can!